
2015 FLATE Presentations, Webinars and Meeting Files (redirected from 2015FLATEPresentationsWebinarsandMeetingFiles)

Page history last edited by MARILYN BARGER 8 years, 7 months ago





2015 (01/01/15 - 06/30/15)


010815 Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica 2015 Conference (Lucea, Jamaica) - Keeping Curriculum Industry Driven 

020615 ASEE's CIEC Conference (Palm Springs, CA) - An Integrated Experience for Elementary Engineering Education

022615 FMA's Leadership Summit (Orlando, FL)  - Demystifying Relationships - Manufacturers and Educators

030515 Visit to Qorvo (Apopka, FL) Technician Education and FLATE

030515 League of Innovation (Boston, MA) - Developing Strong Partnerships Between Educators and Industry

030615 League of innovation (Boston, MA) - Teaching Nontechnical Skills in Technical Programs 

032615 Collaborative Centers for Technical Assistance (CCTA-Webinar Slides) - Effective Approaches for Aligning Curriculum to Industry Needs

041715 FLATE Webinar (Webinar Slides) - Manufacturing Day 2015: Join the Movement!

042315 Smart Grid Technician Job Task Analysis (Palm Beach Gardens, FL) - Booklet, ATEEC-JTA Participant Presentation, Job Task ListEssential Items

042415 Florida Engineering Education Conference, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL ) - Bringing Together the New Standards & Industry-Comprehension Instructional sequence Model-CIS

051315 SME Bright Minds Workshop (Springfield, MA)- Great Career Pathways in Manufacturing

052015 NAWI  (Saratoga Springs, NY) - Integrated Engineering Curriculum for Elementary Engineering  

052015 NAWI (Saratoga Springs, NY) - Keeping Curriculum Aligned to Industry Needs

052115 FESC Energy Workshop (Orlando, FL)-  Matching Training to Industry Needs 

052615 NISOD (Austin, TX) - NSF ATE @ 20: What's it all about?

052915 FLATE Webinar (Webinar Slides) - Recruiting Girls in STEM Careers 

060815 FLATE-FACTE Summer Workshop (Tampa, FL) Advanced Manufacturing Careers Institute

061715 FETN Workshop (Longwood, FL)- Impact of Industry Tours on Career Choices for Middle &High School Students

061915 ASEE (Seattle, WA)- Attracting Students to Manufacturing Careers with Robotics

061915 ASEE (Seattle, WA)  The Emerging Technology and Technician Workshop

062415 NAS Middle Skill Pathways Symposium (Washington DC ) Florida's Engineering Technology Credentialed-based Educational Pathways

063015 FLATE Web Meeting for ATE Grants (web meeting slides)   Resource Links for NSF ATE grants


2015 (07/01/15 - 12/30/15)


072115 MFG DAY Webinar (Webinar Recording)  and Webinar Slides

072215 PACE-ME Summer Institute (Roanoke, VA)  - FLATE and ATE Overview

072615 GE Foundation Summer Conference (Orlando, FL) -  Collaborative session with PBSC and FEWC

072715 FACTE (Ponte Vedra, FL) Industrial and Technical Educators Pre-conference 

072815 FACTE (Ponte Vedra, FL) - The Practical Power of Research

072715 HiTEC Conference (Portland, OR)- FLATE pre-conference workshop files, poster and presentations

073115 CCTA Convening (Portland, OR)- Working with your Business and Industry Partners

073115 CCTA Convening FLATE Handout (Portland, OR)Working with your Business and Industry Partners FLATE Handout

08 1815 DLJ Joint PLC Engineering Training (St. Petersburg, FL) Engineering Professional Development

 081815 DLJ Joint PLC Engineering Training (St. Petersburg, FL)  Find the Patterns  

081915 CTE Professional Study Day (Tampa, FL) - FLATE Educational Resources & MFG Day Presentations

100715 NCATC Fall Conference (St. Louis, MO) -  Creating Synergistic Change InTechnician Education 

100815 ABLE TRUST FL High School HighTech (Orlando, FL) - Made in Florida 2015-What's Made in your Backyard?" Curriculum and TPF Workshop

101515 CCTA Webinar (Webinar Slides) -  Best Practices in Web telecommunications, Part 2 

102415 NSF ATE PI Conference (Washington DC) -  Creating Synergistic Change InTechnician Education

102215 NSF ATE PI Conference (Washington DC) -Digital Learning, Virtual Reality, and Recruitment: Fueling a New Vision for Technological Education 

102815 NCPN Annual Conference (Dallas, TX) -  Florida's Manufacturing Career Pathways: Its Working

102815 NCPN Annual Conference (Dallas, TX-  Bet Practices for Statewide Curriculum Review Processes

110115 STEMtech Conference (Phoenix, AZ) -  Working with the Manufacturers to Educate their Workforce

110115 STEMtech Conference (Phoenix, AZ) -  MFG Day in Florida 2015 poster handout

 111715 Dinner and a Movie at Stavros Center (Tampa, FL) -  Made in Florida 2015.  What's Made in Your Back Yard?

101915 Association of Career and Technical Education (New Orleans, LA) -  Robotics in Education    

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