Renewable Energy Modules_Training in Spain


The following modules are part of the Iberian Partnership for Technician Excellence sponsored by NSF. Modules contain curriculum materials for a college-level course in Renewable Energy including the best practices in European countries. The material is designed to be presented over a regular 3-credit hour semester course.  These modules include biomass, solar thermal energy, hydraulic energy, and photovoltaics with samples of design projects for a family house located in Florida. These materials were a part of the summer 2012 training in the Basque Country at IEFPS USURBIL GLHBI, Spain and are made freely available under FLATE.   


Instructions:  Please click on any highlighted link to view the content for the specific module and a pdf document will open.  To download, right click, and choose the download link.



Module Name



Design Project- Biomass


Solar Thermal Energy

4 Design Project- Solar Thermal



6 Design Project- Photovoltaics


Hydraulic Energy


Design Project- Automated Control

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