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MFG Month Event Host Resources

Page history last edited by teresa.potter@flate.org 2 months, 1 week ago





If your company is offering its first tour to students or you're looking for more ways to enrich a tour (live or virtual), here are some resources and tips on creating a successful "Made in Florida" Industry Tour.


FLATE's Best Practice Guide for Industry Tours


Connecting Students and Educators with Industry Partners

The Industry Tours for Students Guide provides the necessary tools and sample materials needed for a successful hi-tech tour. Inside this guide are details that should be considered, covered or dismissed depending upon school and individual needs. 


Click here for all of FLATE's Best Practices Guides! 


Plan Your 2024 Florida MFG Month Student Event 


Register your event

Email us at events@floridamakes.com

Florida MFG Month Resources


Virtual MFG Event ideas and tips

Ideas and tips for developing a Virtual Event/Tour to supplement your in-person events.

"Create a Virtual Tour" Webinar


How to create a virtual tour video presentation using PowerPoint

By Peter Cirak, SealDynamics

MFG Month Proclamation

This is an example Manufacturing Day/Month proclamation confirming the impact on the state of Florida.












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