2017 (07/01/17 - 12/30/17) - Presentations, Webinars and Meeting Files
07/17-18/17 Annual FACTE Conference & Trade Show (Oralndo, FL). FAITE Sessions. S3. Soft Skills Simulation Workshop: The Toothpick Factory is Hiring"
07/19/17 High Impact Technology Exchange Conference - Mechatronics Credentials: Confusion to Clarity -Overview
07/19/17 High Impact Technology Exchange Conference - Mech panel - Siemens Credential
07/19/17 High Impact Technology Exchange Conference - Mech panel - PMMI Credential
07/19/17 High Impact Technology Exchange Conference - Mech panel - PMMI Credential
07/19/17 High Impact Technology Exchange Conference - Tweet, Publish, Post & Promote
07/19/17 High Impact Technology Exchange Conference - Necessary Skills Now
07/25/17 Collaborate Summer Working Connections Mechatronics Workshop - Recruiting Girls into STEM Careers
07/26/17 Collaborate Summer Working Connections Mechatronics Workshop - Industry Credentials for Manufacturing
08/03/17 CTE Professional Study Day (Plant City) - Toothpick Factory Workshop
08/30/17 First NSF PathTech LIFE Florida Webinar- Webinar recording and FL Report
08/30/17 First NSF PathTech LIFE Nationwide Webinar-Webinar recording and Nationwide Report
09/21/17 CCTA Webinar: Planning for the Future: Succession Planning and related Topics -Webinar slides and recording
10/24/17 NSF ATE PI Conference (DC) - Trends in Mechatronics Education
10/26/17 National Career Pathways Network Conference (St. Louis MO) - The Toothpick Factory: Simulation for Soft Skills
10/26/17 National Career Pathways Network Conference (St. Louis MO) - Necessary Skills Now! Embedding Employability Skills
11/09/17 FLATE-Stavros Center Workshop (USF, Tampa) Industry Panel presentation; Industry Panel Bios, Panel Video, Curriculum resources are posted here: Stavros Curriculum Resource page
11/28/17 Manufacturing Day-Tampa Bay Area Debrief Meeting (USF, Tampa) - Presentation; Post MFG Day Observations Information Summary Table; Meeting recording
12/07/17 ACTE VISION Conference (Nashville, TN) - Defining Impact of Industry Tours
12/15/17 Douglas L Jamerson ES STEAM Conference - Numbers, Vectors & Scalars!
2017 (01/01/17 - 6/30/17) - Presentations, Webinars and Meeting Files
01/10/17 Florida Career Pathways Network (FCPN) - Women in Manufacturing
01/10/17 Florida Career Pathways Network (FCPN) - Necessary Skills Now!
02/08/17 ASEE Industry Collaboration Conference (CIEC) - Florida Working Partnerships Panel of Best Practices
02/08/17 ASEE Industry Collaboration Conference (CIEC) - Best Practices for Education & Workforce Development Leaders Exploring Engagement with Federal Initiatives
02/23/17 Black Brown and College Bound (Tampa) - HCC - FLATE presentation
02/22/17 SCA-FLATE Industry - Academic Forum for Supply Chain Automation - Mechatronics Education in Florida
02/22/17 SCA-FLATE Industry - Academic Forum for Supply Chain Automation - HCC presentation
02/22/17 SCA-FLATE Industry - Academic Forum for Supply Chain Automation - FSCJ presentation
02/22/17 SCA-FLATE Industry - Academic Forum for Supply Chain Automation - SCA presentation
02/22/17 SCA-FLATE Industry - Academic Forum for Supply Chain Automation - SCA presentation video links
03/03/17 Am Society for Engineering Education Zone 2 Conference (San Juan) - The Florida Plan: Florida Manufacturing Pathways
02/22/17 SCA-FLATE Industry - Academic Forum for Supply Chain Automation - HCC presentation
03/03/17 FL Engineering Education Conference (Orlando) - The Toothpick Factory: A Simulation Game for the Soft Skills
03/08/17 Fabricators Manufacturer Association (FMA) Workforce Round Table - Manufacturing Day in Florida
03/12/17 League of Innovation (San Francisco) - Best Practices for Statewide Systems for Community Colleges
03/13/17 Fabricators Manufacturer Association (FMA) Workforce Round Table - Evaluation Resources from EvaluATE
03/23/17 Golden Eagle Additively Innovative Webinar Lectures - Making it Work! Review of Functional Additive Manufacturing Project's Alignment to Curriculum RECORDING & SLIDES
03/23/17 Collaborative Centers for Technical Assistance (CCTA) Webinar - Developing Stakeholder Partnerships Internally and Externally for Successful Grants Slides AND Recording
03/13/17 Collaborative Centers for Technical Assistance (CCTA) Q&A Followup -Developing Stakeholder Partnerships Internally and Externally for Successful Grants Slides AND Recording
04/05/17 Manufacturing USA Education/Workforce Development Teams Meeting - NSF ATE Program Overview & ATE Centers and FLATE Examples
05/16/17 FLATE & ATE Centers Webinar: Manufacturing USA Workforce Development Strategies - Webinar Recording
05/23/17 National Association for Workforce Improvement (Honolulu, HI) - Best Practices for Working with Industry
05/26/17 Pacific Center for Advanced Technologies (Honolulu, HI) - Innovations in K14 Engineering Education
06/14/17 FLATE & ATE Centers Webinar: ATE Centers working with Manufacturing USA - Webinar Recording and Slides
06/24/17 American Association of Engineering Education: Silent Revolution -Stackable Credentials in Technical Education
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